French - Intermediate Group
Bonjour ! Welcome to the French Intermediate group. My name is Dominique Wright, I am a French language speaker with several years’ experience teaching French to adult learners. Together with Kate Gordon who runs the Advanced French class, we aim to offer members of the U3A the opportunity to practise the language and improve their skills.
The main objective in the intermediate group is to build up confidence and widen vocabulary, to help everyone in the group achieve successful communication at their own level and gradually improve their ability to do so. We do a mix of talking, listening and reading activities, using original French materials such as newspapers extracts, books, songs, poems, etc.
We occasionally cover grammar topics if it appears beneficial to revise a particular point, but generally we try and keep it light hearted and fun, and everyone is encouraged to share an activity with the group if they wish.
We meet fortnightly on a Friday morning at the Community Centre in Swaffham, alternating with Kate’s advanced class; the sessions last two hours starting at 10.00am and there is a small charge of £2 - £3 to cover the cost of the room hire.
If you are interested in joining the group (you must already be a member of the Wissey u3a) or want more information, please contact me:
Dominique Wright
Group Leader
Email: [email protected]
The main objective in the intermediate group is to build up confidence and widen vocabulary, to help everyone in the group achieve successful communication at their own level and gradually improve their ability to do so. We do a mix of talking, listening and reading activities, using original French materials such as newspapers extracts, books, songs, poems, etc.
We occasionally cover grammar topics if it appears beneficial to revise a particular point, but generally we try and keep it light hearted and fun, and everyone is encouraged to share an activity with the group if they wish.
We meet fortnightly on a Friday morning at the Community Centre in Swaffham, alternating with Kate’s advanced class; the sessions last two hours starting at 10.00am and there is a small charge of £2 - £3 to cover the cost of the room hire.
If you are interested in joining the group (you must already be a member of the Wissey u3a) or want more information, please contact me:
Dominique Wright
Group Leader
Email: [email protected]
French - Advanced Conversation
I’m Kate Gordon and I run the French Advanced Class for the Wissey U3A. The word ‘Advanced’ distinguishes my group from the Intermediate French Class run by Dominique Wright, but should not put off anyone with an interest in improving their knowledge of French and having the opportunity to use the language on a regular basis. Those in the class come with some knowledge of French, but most importantly a desire to practice and improve.
We meet every other Friday morning between 10am and 12 noon, alternating with Dominique’s intermediate group. The Community Centre provides us with a room - impeccably maintained throughout the Covid crisis - facilities and coffee for which members pay a small room hire fee. The class is includes people with a reasonable knowledge of French that allows them to discuss, read and translate texts and novels, and join in the lively conversation we have on topics of the day. The essence of the class is friendliness and mutual help, as well as learning and enjoying the beauty of the French language and its possibilities.
Dominique and I work closely together to offer U3A members an experience of French that suits individual needs.
If you are interested in joining the group (you must already be a member of the Wissey u3a) or want more information, please contact me:
Kate Gordon
Group Leader
[email protected]
We meet every other Friday morning between 10am and 12 noon, alternating with Dominique’s intermediate group. The Community Centre provides us with a room - impeccably maintained throughout the Covid crisis - facilities and coffee for which members pay a small room hire fee. The class is includes people with a reasonable knowledge of French that allows them to discuss, read and translate texts and novels, and join in the lively conversation we have on topics of the day. The essence of the class is friendliness and mutual help, as well as learning and enjoying the beauty of the French language and its possibilities.
Dominique and I work closely together to offer U3A members an experience of French that suits individual needs.
If you are interested in joining the group (you must already be a member of the Wissey u3a) or want more information, please contact me:
Kate Gordon
Group Leader
[email protected]